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Spells step by step
1001 Spells ordered by desire/intention. Free book PDF. Great resource if your not quite ready to create your own spells yet!
free Crystal Database
All meanings and uses for those beautiful sparkly rocks. Pro tip skip to page 17 thats when all crystal meanings alphabetical begin.
This book is every witch's dream come true - a comprehensive guide featuring 504 pages of stunning herb images to reference in their natural form. but it also serves as a valuable resource for all things medicinal and culinary.
The basics of Candle work. learn how to harness your power through a flame. This book focuses on abundance, Love, and Healing.
Norse mythology
Greek Mythology
celtic mythology
Norse Mythology PDF book. For Researching the Norse gods.Go on! read their great stories!
Explore the depths of Greek mythology with this modern, informative PDF book.
Your guide to the celtic mythology you wonder about. Read the tales of great celtic gods.